How to address German speakers on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn

Angelika's German Tuition and Translation - how to address german speakers on social media

In previous posts you learned how to introduce yourself in German and also when to use du or Sie? When to be formal or informal in Germany! And what you have read still applies. When you don’t know somebody, especially in the business world, you still use the formal ‘Sie’  unless the German tells you … Read more

5 tips for learning German on Twitter

Are you on Twitter? If yes, do you use it for learning German? I read the other  day that 51% of all tweets are in English, the rest in other languages, including many German tweets. So, how could you use Twitter to learn or improve your German? Depending on how much German you already know you … Read more

Montag montage with funny moments from Twitter

Yesterday I was looking for a message which I had saved on twitter and while I was searching for it I found some funny pictures about learning German or languages in general. I don’t know who posted them initially, but I’m sharing them here to give you a giggle too: The last one is my favourite, just in time … Read more

Learn 10 new German words per day with Twitter

Angelika's German Tuition and Translation - twitter

I often get asked by my students how they can extend their vocabulary. One way is via Twitter. If you are new to Twitter or haven’t used it much it, it’s a great way to learn new German words. I have found ten people, who offer a German word, sentence or activity of the day. … Read more

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