German for Fun

Can you complete the puzzle with a German saying?

The background is bigger than the puzzle, giving you space to move the pieces.

Some weird and wonderful German words:

The German language consists of lots of compound words. Whereas in English the words stay as two (or more), in German they are often joined together. For example, a taxi driver in English is a Taxifahrer in German.

So, what happens if the first word ends in two consonants or vowels and the second word starts with the same letter?

Yes, you’ve guessed it:

I like using jokes in my lessons. This is one of them:

Since the new spelling reform these words now have three consonants or vowels.

  • die Brennnessel – stinging nettle
  • die Kunststoffflasche – plastic bottle
  • die Schifffahrt – shipping, navigation
  • die Schneeeule – snowy owl
  • die Kennnummer – identification number
  • helllila – light purple
  • fitnesssüchtig – addicted to keeping fit
  • das Teeei – tea infuser
  • grifffest – (colour, which is) dry to touch
  • schnelllebig – fast moving
  • fetttriefend – greasy
  • der Balletttänzer – ballet dancer
  • die Hawaiiinseln – Hawaiian Islands
  • die Nussschale – nut shell


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