EDIT 2025: X, as Twitter is now called, has changed, and sadly not for the better. Although I am still there, I have stopped posting and may even leave. So I don’t know whether there are any useful posts anymore.
I often get asked by my students how they can extend their vocabulary. One way is via Twitter. If you are new to Twitter or haven’t used it much it, it’s a great way to learn new German words. I have found ten people, who offer a German word, sentence or activity of the day. Follow them, spend a few minutes every day with those new words and – hey presto – you are extending your German vocabulary ➡
Update January 2020: Some of the original links I gave have stopped tweeting, so I have deleted them and added some new ones!
DW – Learn German offers lots of exercise and information
LearnOutLive German tweets lots of words or sentences every day
LWO German offers daily German words and sentences
The German Way, now called Hydelberg has brilliant blog posts
Herr Antrim posts great German grammar videos
German should be fun tweets in German, then gives the translation
German Language posts words and sentences
slowgerman tweets links to one podcast a day
Coffee Break German posts lots of links to their podcasts
GoodGermanWords tweets some really good German words!
Do you know any other ones that tweet daily words? Let me know, so that I can add them or just comment below.
I am also on twitter – I wouldn’t have found all those lovely people if I wasn’t 😉
If you are not following me yet, I am german_tutor – who else 🙄
What an excellent idea! Will follow those people.
We’ll turn into a German speaker after all 😉