12 quirky ideas to learn German in February

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Are you always on the lookout for some quirky German learning ideas? How about 12 ideas for February?

According to Kleiner Kalender (English version: Cute Calendar) each day of the month is also a special – and sometimes worth celebrating – day.

I’ve picked 12 of those days to give you some fun ideas for practising your German – enjoy!

1 February National Change your Password Day – Nationaler Ändere-Dein-Passwort-Tag
Although this is not an international day, it might give you some ideas for changing your passwords. Nowadays many passwords require also capital letters and numbers. So, how about turning your password into a German sentence? Just make absolutely sure that you will remember it and can spell it correctly!

4 February Thank a Mailman Day – Danke-einem-Briefträger-Tag
If you don’t live in a German speaking country thanking your postman in German might not be the best idea. But you could use this day to find out about the services of the Deutsche Post, or when a postman or mailman is called a Briefträger oder Postbote

5 February Did-You-Fart?-Day – Hast-du-gepupst?-Tag
This is the perfect chance to learn this silly and easy song. The primary school children I teach love it. If toilet humour isn’t your thing, just move on to the next day ☺

7 February Send a Card to a Friend Day – Schick-einem-Freund-eine-Karte-Tag
This is the perfect chance to send a card with German text to a friend who either is German or is learning German. If you don’t know anybody who you could send your German card, I’m happy to receive them. Or just practise writing a postcard in German. What would you write?

10 February Umbrella Day – Regenschirm-Tag
Perfect for a rainy day: Get your umbrella, go for a walk in the rain and think of as many German rain related words or phrases you know. For some help, look here: Learn some German on a rainy day

11 February Inventors’ Day – Nationaltag der Erfinder
Spend some time to think about all the wonderful inventions that make learning German easier nowadays, thanks to modern technology……… Then write about it in German!

13 February Get a Different Name Day – Ändere-deinen-Namen-Tag
Go on, give yourself a different name, but don’t stop there. get pen and paper and give yourself a new name an identity, and – of course – write it all down in German. Who might you be?

14 February  Valentine’s Day – Valentinstag
Now that you’ve got yourself a new identity, write a Valentine’s card to the love of your new identity’s life. As it’s not for real you can be a lovey-dovey as you wish ☺

17 February Random Acts of Kindness Day – Tag der grundlosen Nettigkeiten
Today’s task is to write a list of random acts of kindness in German. You’ll get extra points if you do any of them!

20 February Love Your Pet Day – Liebe-Dein-Haustier-Tag
Do you have a pet? Write about it in German, or find a German website with information about it.

26 February Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Erzähle-ein-Märchen-Tag
Have you ever read a German fairy tale? You probably have, but did you read it in German?
If you’re looking for some German fairy tales, have a read here: Where can I read Grimm’s Fairy Tales? it has several links to stories, so you can choose one and read it. Then if you feel brave enough, retell the story.

27 February No Brainer Day – Kinderspiel-Tag
The Cute Calendar instruction read ‘Got to do chores which require thinking or analysis of any kind? Not today. Sit back and give your brain a vacation day.’. So that is your first task for today. BUT, in German it’s called Kinderspiel-Tag, so find an easy game (a board game, Ludo perhaps, or an easy online game) to practise some German – make it child’s play!

I found 12 quirky ideas to learn German in February. Have a look! Share on X

There you are, 12 quirky ideas for practising your German. Which one are you looking forward to do, or (once you’ve done them) which one did you enjoy the most?

If 12 ideas aren’t enough for you, you may wish to buy my book which has 365 ideas, one for every day of the year!

Available as paperback

Angelika's German Tuition and Translation - 365 ideas

And also for your kindle

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