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Are you always on the lookout for some quirky German learning ideas? How about 14 ideas for April?
According to Kleiner Kalender (English version: Cute Calendar) each day of the month is also a special – and sometimes worth celebrating – day.
I’ve picked 14 of those days to give you some fun ideas for practising your German – enjoy!
1 April April Fools’ Day – Aprilscherze
Read/ scan some German online newspapers to see if you can find some April Fool’s jokes. Or perhaps you can make your own … in German, of course!
2 April International Children’s Book Day – Internationaler Kinderbuchtag
What a great excuse to read some German children’s books instead of textbooks! Here are two websites with free German stories: German – Storybooks Minnesota & Amira
Or maybe you already have some books at home? Now is your chance to read them!
4 April Tell a Lie Day – Erzähl-eine-Lüge-Tag
At some stage in your German learning you will come across the task of writing about yourself. Well, today you are allowed to make it a lie. Write down some exaggerated sentences about yourself. You can lie as much or as little about yourself as you wish!
7 April No Housework Day – Keine-Hausarbeit-Tag
No housework day? Great – more time to practise your German! So today put your feet up and, instead of doing some housework, read a German book or magazine, listen to some German music or watch a German film. The choice is yours!
For some extra vocab, watch our live video show ‘Ask Angelika’ episode 36:
8 April Draw A Bird Day – Zeichne-einen-Vogel-Tag
Draw a bird and then label it or write something about it in German.
10 April National Siblings Day – Tag der Geschwister
Today’s task is to write about your brothers or sisters, either for real or the ones you wished you had.
12 April International Day of Human Space Flight – Internationaler Tag der bemannten Raumfahrt
What space related activity would you like to do? You could write a fantasy story about your trip to the moon. You could draw a rocket and label it or write about it in German. Or you could do some research and find out things about space flights in German.
13 April Scrabble Day – Scrabble-Tag
Have you ever played Scrabble in German? Today is a good day to have a go. As long as you have a Scrabble game you can play it in German. The points on some of the letters are different and the German version has the letters ä, ö, ü, ß, but you can always improvise…
14 April International Moment of Laughter Day – Internationaler Momente-des-Lachens-Tag
Go and find some German jokes – the challenge is to find some that are also funny for non Germans ☺
18 April International Day For Monuments and Sites – Internationaler Denkmaltag
Think of a German town or city you always wanted to visit. Google it and see if it has any interesting monuments. You can also do it the other way round and choose a foreign city and search for a German description about it. It should be quite easy if the city is a tourist attraction.
21 April Kindergarten Day – Kindergarten-Tag
Do you have any children or grandchildren of kindergarten age? Teach them a little German today, like colours or numbers, just something easy. Alternatively, do some research, in English or German, about the German school system.
24 April Pig in a Blanket Day – Würstchen-im-Schlafrock-Tag
If you like cooking, how about finding a recipe for ‘Würstchen-im-Schlafrock’ or check out Wikipedia (in German) to find out more about them.
28 April World Day for Safety and Health at Work – Welttag für Sicherheit und Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz
Today’s task is to write a list of health and safety rules for your home in German. Depending how advanced your German is they can be very basic or complicated. How much can you write?
29 April International Dance Day – Welttag des Tanzes
Today you can enjoy some passive learning. Find some great German music (for example on YouTube or Spotify) and dance to it. Don’t worry whether you can understand all of the lyrics, just enjoy the music …. and you’ll burn some calories – it’s a win-win situation ☺
30 April Walpurgis Night – Walpurgisnacht
Find out (in German or English) what Walpurgisnacht is and how it’s been celebrated.
There you are, 14 quirky ideas for practising your German. Which one are you looking forward to do, or (once you’ve done them) which one did you enjoy the most?
If 14 ideas aren’t enough for you, you may wish to buy my book which has 365 ideas, one for every day of the year!
Available as paperback

And also for your kindle