Welcome to my next blog post based on our ‘Ask Angelika’ shows with practical or useful sentences you might hear or use yourself in certain scenarios.
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Today we’re talking about baking biscuits for Christmas. The recipe has been taken and slightly simplified from Einfacher Plätzchenteig zum Ausstechen (Grundrezept) with thanks to Kathrin, who describes the process in a lot more details.
Einfacher Plätzchenteig
Simple biscuit dough
Vorbereitung 15 Min. Backzeit 10 Min. Kühlzeit 30 Min.
Preparation 15 mins. Baking time 10 mins. Cooling time 30 mins.
- 250 Gramm Weizenmehl
250 grams of wheat flour - 90 Gramm Zucker
90 grams of sugar - 125 Gramm Butter kalt
125 grams of cold butter - 1 mittelgroßes Ei
1 medium egg
Mehl und Zucker in eine Schüssel geben.
Place the flour and sugar in a bowl.

Die Butter in kleinen Stückchen und das Ei hinzufügen.
Add the butter in small pieces and the egg.

Alles zu einem Mürbeteig verkneten.
Knead everything into a shortcrust pastry.
Teig in Folie wickeln und für mindestens eine halbe Stunde kühlstellen.
Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for at least half an hour.
Backofen auf 175 Grad aufheizen.
Preheat the oven to 175 degrees.
Den Teig aus dem Kühlschrank holen und ausrollen.
Take the dough out of the fridge and roll out.

Plätzchen ausstechen und auf ein mit Backpapier belegtes Blech legen.
Cut out the biscuits and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
Etwa 10-12 Minuten goldgelb backen.
Bake for about 10-12 minutes until golden brown.
Abkühlen lassen und nach Belieben dekorieren.
Leave to cool and decorate as desired.

Here’s the video where Steven gets to practise saying and translating the sentences:
What can you do with these sentences to remember them?
You can bookmark this post or make a vocabulary list with them. You can do that with any paper or electronic notebook. Or you could buy my Recipe Journal For German Learners, a blank recipe book for 50 German recipes with space for vocab or whole sentence translations.

Or, if you prefer something digital instead of pen and paper, you can buy my Trello board

Or, you can get my quick and free printable recipe file for those who like to collect and keep German Christmas recipes: Meine Weihnachtsrezepte

If you bake those biscuits, I’d love to see some photos!