Do I need cookies to learn German?
Of course you do, the more chocolate they have, the better your German will be 😉
Sorry, this blog post is not about those cookies you can (and should) eat, these are the ones you read about when you’re about to access a website, webpage or blog post. You know, those pop-ups who want you to tick boxes before you can continue on that page. Those cookies we are all required to have on our websites, mine included.
When you get these pop-ups in your own language, it’s annoying enough, but what do you do when you want to improve your German and the pop-ups are in German?
Over the last few months I have been randomly taking screenshots of German pop-ups to show you what you might get.
As in English, they come with a variety of words and sentences – far too many for me to mention here. But certain key words pop up repeatedly. And those I want to point out to you. That way they will hopefully look easier to deal with.
The following pop-ups have as the main sentence either
Wir nutzen Cookies.
Wir benutzen Cookies.
Wir verwenden Cookies.
All three sentences mean ‘We use cookies’
You might also see
Diese Website benutzt Cookies.
Diese Website verwendet Cookies.
This website uses cookies.
The rest of the text varies from site to site, but the buttons are similar again.
Einstellen – customise/ manage
Alle akzeptieren (or just ‘akzeptieren’) – accept all
Alle Ablehnen – reject all
Nur notwendige Cookies – necessary cookies only
Auswahl erlauben – allow selection
Cookies zulassen – allow cookies

Other headings you might find are
Datenschutz-Einstellungen (or written as Datenschutzeinstellungen) – privacy settings
Datenschutz – privacy protection
Cookie-Einstellungen – cookie settings

You might also see
Ihre Privatsphäre ist uns wichtig – Your privacy is important to us
Wir schätzen Ihre Privatsphäre – We value your privacy
Wir möchten Ihre Zustimmung – We want your consent
Wir brauchen Ihre Zustimmung – We need your consent
Hinweis – please note
zustimmen – agree
ablehnen – decline

And finally, some websites, usually magazines, have the option of accessing the site with adverts or with monthly payments
Mit Werbung und Cookies – With advertising and cookies
Mit Werbung (kostenlos) – With advertising (free of charge)
If yu want to make monthly payments, or, more importantly, if you don’t, make sure you’ll see words like:
Abonnement (Abo for short) – Subscription
bezahlen – pay
bestellen – order

Most of those pop-ups have a lot of text, but hopefully by recognising the key words you’re now confident enough to click the buttons that are right for you.
Happy German website surfing!