Welcome to my next blog post based on our ‘Ask Angelika’ shows with practical or useful sentences you might hear or use yourself in certain scenarios.
Today we’re talking about bees.
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Bienen wohnen in Bienenstöcken.
Bees live in beehives.

Bienen sammeln Nektar und Pollen.
Bees collect nectar and pollen.

Bienen summen, wenn sie fliegen.
Bees buzz when they flies.
Bienen tanzen, um sich zu verständigen.
Bees dance to communicate.
Bienen machen Honigwaben im Bienenstock.
Bees make honeycombs in the beehive.

Bienen sind wichtig für die Natur.
Bees are important for nature.
Wir müssen die Bienen schützen.
We have to protect the bees.
Ich wurde von einer Biene gestochen.
I got stung by a bee.

Sie ist so fleißig wie eine Biene.
She’s as busy as a bee.
Here’s the video where Steven gets to practise saying and translating the sentences:
What can you do with these sentences to remember them?
You can bookmark this post or make a vocabulary list with them. You can do that with any paper or electronic notebook. Or you could buy my notebook which I designed specially for German vocab learners. It has space for vocabulary lists and sentences. You can even choose one of two colours ☺

If you enjoyed those bee sentences, some of them were from my printable, 20 Beehive Maze Puzzles for German Learners

Please send us info and German from the writings of Schiller and Goethe. Please
Hi, and thanks for your interest, but there are currently no plans to do any shows with sentences from those authors. Project Gutenberg https://www.gutenberg.org/ has lots of copies in German and English which are free to download. I also wrote blog posts about Goether https://angelikasgerman.co.uk/german-authors-johann-wolfgang-von-goethe/ and Schiller https://angelikasgerman.co.uk/german-authors-friedrich-schiller/