Wir suchen Deutschland – then and now

If you’ve been following my series of pages from an old children’s book, you would have seen that – according to the 1948 book – it was quite an adventure to travel through Germany.

To remind you again, the book covered in poem form a fictitious journey of two small children, Peter and Sabine, who went to the following places:

Quite a journey, don’t you think?

If you wanted to copy that journey today you would cover over 3000 km.
How do I know? I planned the same journey on the German tourism website

The site is available in English, or, for language learning purposes you can switch the language to German and explore the site while picking up some interesting German vocabulary.

Whichever language you decide to use, there are lots of interesting articles to read about Germany. Just look at the variety of topics:

But if you’re planning a holiday in Germany, the best tool is their travel planner (Reiseplaner) which I have used to plan the same journey Peter and Sabine took. You can do the same. Have a play or plan a real holiday. Once you’ve decided on where exactly you want to go to, you can save, print and  share  your journey. Unfortunately, I was not able to embed the map into this post, so you have to make do with a screen shot of the journey Peter and Sabine took in 1948. Once you have made a plan, you can always click on any of the places to read more information and decide what exactly you want to do. EDIT: Sadly, the travel planner has gone from the site, but there is still a huge amount of information on the site.

So, next time you’re planning a trip to Germany, use the travel planner from the German National Tourist Board 
It might not be a trip all around the country, but I’m sure it will be a great trip!

As the German National Tourist Board says

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