Last month Peter and Sabine visited Weimar and Nürnberg, this month they’re off to Passau and München, or Munich, as English speakers call it.
Hier oben möcht’ ich immer stehn,
drei Flüsse kann man auf einmal sehn:
die breite Donau, die Ilz, den Inn.
Hier baute man einst Passau hin.
Viel Kähne, vollbeladen und schwer,
sie fahren bis zum Schwarzen Meer.
Passau, a town in Bavaria on the Austrian border, is known for the three rivers that meet there, the Ilz, the Inn and the Danube. The poem only mentions the three rivers. I would have added the cathedral, the St Stephan Dom, as well, as it’s well worth a visit.
Have a look at this video to see how beautiful Passau is
Sabine, du bist so in dich versunken,
du hast wohl zuviel bayrisch Bier getrunken!
Beiß in dein Brot, den Radi auch,
das ist in München einmal Brauch.
Dann wollen wir die Kirchen uns besehn
und abends zeitig schlafen gehn.
So sind wir kräftig wie noch nie
für unsere Bergfahrt morgen früh.
Then they get to Munich – München – where they visit the Cathedral Church of Our Lady – the Dom zu unserer Lieben Frau, but commonly known as die Frauenkirche.
But most of the poem is about food and drink, to be precise, the Bavarian beer and radish – Radi in Bavarian. The following video is in Bavarian but even if you don’t understand it, you can work out how to cut Radi.
All you now need is some Bavarian bread, but you might have to bake it yourself ☺
Peter and Sabine’s visits next month will be to two places instead of towns: the Zugspitze and Lake Constance.