Valentin – ich liebe dich!

Valentin - ich liebe dich!

As it’s Valentine’s Day in a few days, I thought it’s only a fitting service to offer those who may have a loved one in Germany the opportunity to say a few nice or as some may say, cheesy sentences to them.

So, how to start?
Mein Schatz! My treasure!
Mein Liebling! My darling!

And then?
In deinen Armen bin ich glücklich. – In your arms I am happy.
Nur mit dir kann ich glücklich sein. – I can only be happy with you.
Du bist süß. – You are sweet.
Du bist der Zucker in meinem Kaffee. – You are the sugar in my coffee.
Du machst mich an. – You turn me on.
Ich liebe dich. – I love you.

And to finish?
Küss mich! – kiss me!
Ruf mich an. – Call me.
Ich vermisse dich! – I miss you!

So here’s one for you lot:
Meine Lieben!
Ohne euch bin ich nichts! – Without you [readers] I am nothing 😉
Ich vermisse euch (und eure Kommentare)! – I miss you (and your comments)!  😆

Care to reply with one?

EDIT 2019: Here is another Valentine’s message for you:

EDIT 2023: In our show ‘Ask Angelika’ we also covered some sentences for Valentine’s Day:

EDIT 2025:

Looking for a last minute Valentine’s Day gift for a German learner? How about some German learning related coupons from you for them – a very unique gift 💝
Go to Valentine’s Day Coupons for German Learners to download the free coupons, decide which tasks you’d like to do, print the coupon(s) and surprise them!

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