7 techniques to remember anything, including your German!

This is another infographic from elearning infographics which, I have to admit, I’m posting mainly for myself (so I can find it easily again). But that isn’t the only reason. In schools I have seen teachers use chunking for language learning. So, have a look and see if any of these tips are any good … Read more

The many benefits of lifelong learning

Although today’s blog post is very general and is about anything you can learn, please remember that a lifelong German learning is, of course, extremely worthwhile. And all the benefits mentioned also apply to learning German. From the time we’re children, we’re pushed to learn things. By adulthood, most people are somewhat relieved when the … Read more

How to learn German based on the 4 common language skills

Whether you learn German on your own or you want to add to your class learning, to get the full experience you should practise all four skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing. This is particularly important when you need German for your work or because you will be living in Germany. It’s not quite so … Read more

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts

The other day I came across this great saying “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts” attributed to Winston Churchill.  What a great quote, I thought and wondered whether Churchill ever said this in relation to language learning. Despite his knowledge of French he didn’t relate … Read more

5 tips to help you become a more effective German learner

Although this post is called “5 tips to help you become a more effective German learner” it does cover any language. Motivation Before you start learning German, you want to have a good reason for learning. If you’re reading this post, you most likely have a very good reason for learning German. You might want … Read more

Learning a Language

The other day a teacher posted a beautiful poem about language learning on Facebook. It was called ‘Learning a Language’ and was by somebody called Olivia McMahon. I instantly googled her but could not find out much, except that she is a poet from Scotland, who also writes text books for English as a foreign language. … Read more

50+ fascinating language facts – an infographic

Another one of those lovely elearning infographics  with 51 interesting language facts, including three facts about German which you may or may not know: The first printed book was in German.→ And many more afterwards. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could read some of them in their original language? German is the most spoken language … Read more

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