Germany for Beginners – a review

EDIT: Sadly, this book is out of print now, but maybe you’ll find a second hand copy somewhere. When I started teaching German many years ago and I needed a good grammar explanation I always turned to  Hyde Flippo’s pages, because I liked the way he explained things. I bought one of his first books … Read more

How to buy a German train ticket from a machine

Whenever I teach a beginners’ class there is always the obligatory lesson on how to buy a train ticket. You know the ones, asking how much a ticket is and then buying it … But what do you do when you get to the station and there is no kiosk to buy your ticket, only … Read more

5 things you may be surprised to find in Germany

On my last trip to Germany I noticed a few things which I thought I would share with you – three things I miss in England, one thing I don’t miss and one surprise  ❗ ➡ In place 5:   I sometimes miss Woolworth, so I’m really pleased to see there are still some shops … Read more

Holidays in Germany – walking and cycling in Grafschaft Bentheim

A few weeks ago we went to Germany to see my family and to relax from a few hectic months of work. In fact, Steven and I were relaxing and enjoying ourselves so much that I’d like to persuade you to have a holiday there. Where is ‘there’? It’s the Grafschaft Bentheim (County of Bentheim) … Read more

Austria says hello, but Germany says goodbye!

  Could you imagine that somebody would patent the word ‘hello’ and you couldn’t sell T-Shirts with it? This is currently happening in Austria with the words ‘griaß di’. Griaß di is a greeting similar to hello or hi. It is used in parts of Bavaria are and also in Austria. Now there were two … Read more


1982, at the age of 23 I moved away from home and left Germany for a new life in England. My mum cried when I went and I also felt very sad. On the other hand I was far too excited to feel sad. Fast forward to 30 June 2009; that was the day I … Read more

Cowboys and Indians

Thinking back to shortly after I moved to England, this was the time before satellite TV, although England just got Channel 4 and therefore had one more TV channel than Germany. Still, Saturday afternoons were awful. All you could watch was either Wrestling or Snooker or black & white war films (at least that’s what … Read more

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