How to use the German word WILLKOMMEN

A while ago I was asked when (or how) to use willkommen with bei, in, zu, auf or an. I answered and then did a little research to see if there was more. The result is this blog post. Willkommen & dative prepositions: Willkommen as an adjective. If it’s used an an adjective and comes … Read more

It’s bad, but is it schlimm or schlecht?

When you want to write in German that something is bad, do you use schlimm or schlecht? I think I can hear your answer:”I checked my dictionary and both words mean bad, so I can use either, right?” Sadly no. There are differences. ‘Schlecht’ is something that can also be good. So, people, programmes, suggestions … Read more

Es tut mir leid, I didn’t mean to be rude!

I wrote this blog post in 2011 for another website, which sadly doesn’t exist anymore. The post is still just as relevant today as it was then, so I am posting it here again: „So you’re German? They are always so rude!“ I’ve heard this comment a few times now and for a long time … Read more

Will Skype Translator make translators redundant?

I  read an interesting blog post yesterday about a new product from Skype, Skype Translator, which they hope to have perfected by the end of the year. The writer of the blog post “Skype Translator Looks to put Human Translators Out of a Job!” wrote very enthusiastically about Skype Translator and how it would change doing … Read more

Is Google Translate getting any better?

Google Translate has been around for a long time now and over the years has improved immensely. For the internet surfer/ buyer this is extremely useful. You can now check out any website for information and/ or to buy something from foreign sites, even if you don’t understand the languages.  Google Translate makes it possible … Read more

24 Reasons for Learning German – Research and Translations

 Advent Calendar Day 7 Yesterday you heard from Gill, today you can read Al’s post, Gill’s husband. Thank you, Al! Part of my job is training tutors: I suggest they learn something new (as I do) regularly – to keep in touch with what it means to be a beginner. Not having a natural bent … Read more

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