Warum, darum, and other German questions and answers

Whenever my students get asked a question, I usually encourage them to answer in a whole sentence. It helps with formulating sentences, especially when you want to inform somebody without being asked. As an easy example, an answer to the question “Woher kommen Sie?” could be “Ich komme aus England”. If you had that question … Read more

How to ask questions in German

Anybody who has watched the German Sesame Street – Sesamstraße – will most likely remember the theme song: Der, die, das.Wer? Wie? Was?Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?Wer nich fragt bleibt dumm!Der, die, das.Wer? Wie? Was?Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?Wer nich fragt bleibt dumm!Tausend tolle SachenDie gibt es überall zu sehen.Manchmal muss man fragen,Um sie zu versteh´n.Der, die, das,Wer? Wie? … Read more

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