10 German food-related idioms

We all love idioms, don’t we? I found 10 German food-related ones for you which I turned into a video. I hope you like them.   I even have one more for you: And that is because I want to put my ‘Senf dazu’ ☺ Here are all those idioms from the video again with … Read more

13 German idioms with drinks

Many years ago a friend gave me this little jar with chocolate drink as a present. The powder is not designed to be used for a drink. Instead, the jar contains ‘Kakao, durch den Sie andere ziehen können’ – ‘cocoa, through which you can pull others’. That translation, of course, doesn’t make any sense, because … Read more

German idiom – wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen

  This German  idiom  ‘wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen’ has been written especially for Vicky, who said, she lived there  😉   Wo sich fuchs und hase gute nacht sagen from Angelika Davey EDIT: If you don’t want to click the slides, you can now also watch it as a video:

German Idiom – den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht sehen

  While going for a long walk the other day I suddenly had the idea of introducing German idioms with photos. As I had already taking quite a few pictures that day, the first idiom was an easy choice. Have a look: I thought this is a good example for idioms. Although this time the … Read more

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