How To Learn Any Language In Record Time

This elearning infographic founds its way into my inbox a while ago. Although I don’t necessarily agree with the statement that by following these tips and tricks you’ll be fluent in about 3 months, they are useful tips, and depending on how much time you spend learning, you could, of course, be fluent! The inforgraphic … Read more

8 reasons why you should learn a second language

I came across another great infographic with the option to embed it into my blog. It’s a post from Overpass (came via elearning infographics) and covers languages in general, but I’d like to add the German angle to it (below the infographic), as that’s the one I want you to be most interested in ☺ Increase … Read more

7 fun ways to improve your memory while learning German

I saw this beautiful infographic recently about 7 fun ways to improve your memory, but I’d like to add to it. Not only are these 7 fun ways to improve your memory, they can also help with learning German. Find more education infographics on e-Learning Infographics Here are my thoughts: DoodleNext time you do some … Read more

7 ways to stay motivated when learning German

I have shown you an infographic about language learning  from eLearning Infographics before. I get their newsletter and every so often an infographic pops up that applies just as much to learning German as it does to other things. This one, for example, “7 ways to stay motivated” doesn’t really matter whether you are supposed to practise … Read more

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