How to write a German business email

Last week I wrote about German business letters which lead to the question: Is there anything  I need to watch out when writing a German email? Just like with the letters, you still use the formal salutation – Sehr geehrter Herr … (Dear Mr …) Sehr geehrte Frau … (Dear Mrs …) Sehr geehrte Damen und … Read more

24 Reasons for Learning German – Butterkuchen

Advent Calendar Day 21 Today’s post comes from Rachel. Thank you, Rachel! I receive German lessons through work as we are a German owned company.  I initially volunteered for lessons as I enjoy learning languages but I’m finding that it’s becoming more and more useful as my career progresses. I’ve been learning for about 18 … Read more

24 Reasons for Learning German – Working with Germans

Advent Calendar Day 13 Today’s post has been written by Richard. Thank you, Richard! I am an engineer who conducts a large amount of work with colleagues from other nations, including Germany. However, I actually started learning German as a fun challenge. It is only in retrospect this proved to be extremely beneficial in my … Read more

24 Reasons for Learning German – Speaking to German Taxi Drivers

Advent Calendar Day 5 Day 5 of our Advent Calendar has been written by Pam. Thank you, Pam! Hi my name is Pam Jones and I work at Apetito. I have always wanted to learn German and was fortunate enough to do a one year crash course to “O” level standard many years ago. Since … Read more

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