Once upon a time there was a speech, held by the then minister president for Bavaria, Edmund Stoiber. His speech made not a lot of sense to the Germans, which made it famous – sort of. There are many videos on Youtube about it but I found one where somebody made a pretty good attempt of an English translation:
(If – despite the translation – you’d like to know what he said, you can read it here)
So, what’s that got to do with drums?
A German music student, Jonny König, a drummer, (I’m sure, we’ll hear more from him) has used the speech to add it to his drumming.
I think it’s absolutely brilliant! What do you think?
That’s brilliant! Did anyone ever find out what Herr Stoiber thought of it???
Yes, he gave permission to the video. He said:”Es geht eben nichts über eine gelungene Rede.” which translated means; Nothing beats a successful speech!
I wonder if he knew what lovely word play that is in English!
Brilliant! Although, I have no idea what the hell the speech was about, but I laughed every time he said “zehn Minuten”,
He spoke about a new train, the Transrapid (which never happened btw), but the way he spoke, the sentences didn’t make any sense.