Star Trek for German learners

Star Trek for German learners

Are you a Trekki? 

Have you ever watched an episode in German? 

Here are 10 quotes from ‘Raumschiff Enterprise’. Can you guess  the original quotes?

  1. Computerlogbuch der Enterprise. Sternzeit 81316. Captain Kirk. Raumschiff Enterprise auf dem Flug nach …
  2. Ich bin kein Zauberer, Spock, sondern nur ein einfacher Landarzt!
  3. Beam mich hoch, Scotty!
  4. Faszinierend!
  5. Volle Schubkraft voraus!
  6. Heute ist ein guter Tag zum Sterben!
  7. Lebe lang und in Frieden
  8. Raum: die letzte Grenze
  9. Captain, ich empfehle roten Alarm.
  10. Widerstand ist zweklos.

You’ll see the original quotes at the bottom.

If you want to watch some trailers/ episodes/ snippets from Raumschiff Enterprise, I just searched and found loads: Raumschiff Enterprise YouTube

Or, for some detailed reading in German, check out Wikipedia.

Original quotes:

1.Captain’s log, Enterprise. Stardate 81316. Captain Kirk. Starship Enterprise bound for…
2. I’m not a magician, Spock, just an old country doctor.
3. Beam me up, Scotty
4. Fascinating!
5. Full ahead. Maximum warp.
6. Today is a good day to die!
7. Live long and prosper.
8. Space: the final frontier
9. Captain, I recommend we go to red alert
10. Resistance is futile.

How many did you recognise?

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