Sit on a throne and learn some German!


I know this isn’t really a throne. It’s a chair in the meeting room which I hire for my Wednesday German class. The rest of the furniture are normal tables and chairs apart from this one chair, which, right from the start, had been dubbed the teacher’s throne. And that’s what it is: MY teacher’s throne … and none of my students would dare sit on it 😉

But, as it looks a little bit like a throne, here are some words/ phrases which you might come across when reading  German novels about kings and queens or German history book:

    • der Königsthron – royal throne
    • das Thronjubiläum – throne anniversary
    • der Thronanwärter – throne claimant
    • der Thronsaal – throne room
    • den Thron besteigen – to ascend the throne
    • auf den Thron verzichten – to abdicate from the throne
    • die Thronfolge antreten – to succeed to the thron
    • der Thronfolger – heir to the throne
    • die Thronfolgerin – heiress to the throne

There is also an apt idiom: “Komm langsam von deinem Thron runter!” – “Get off your high horse!”

And what about ‘Games of Thrones’?  Are you a fan of Games of Thrones? Why not watch some of it in German?
I have just searched for ‘Games of Thrones deutsch’ on YouTube and found lots of videos.
If you’d rather read about it, check  out the German Wikipedia entry about Games of Thrones or the Games of Thrones Wikia

And, of course, you could do all this while ‘sitting on the throne’ – auf dem Thron sitzen 😉

2015-05-27 15.54.14


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