Sing in German with your child with help from BilinguaSing

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I love music and I love singing, and I believe it’s very useful for language learning. So, when I came across BilinguaSing I had to find out more.

This is what their website says:
“Founded in 2013 by former language teacher Ellie Baker, BilinguaSing is the UK’s only carefully-crafted music-led programme for teaching languages to babies and children from birth to 11 years.  Because children learn best when they don’t realise that they’re learning, our multi-award winning French, Spanish, German and Italian classes combine music with language learning in a way that’s fun – both for children and their grown-ups!”

How exciting is that!

So I checked out their songs and found that they have six different MP3 downloads with German songs. Two for babies, two for playgroup ages (edit: not available yet, but soon) and two for primary school children. Interested? Check out their German MP3 shop page.

They also have live classes in the UK and you might be lucky to live near one. Go to Find a Class and check if there is one close to you.

But also, because they moved everything online during the Covid lockdowns, they now offer online classes in French, Spanish, Italian and German. For a one-off payment of currently £30 you’ll get unlimited access to a private Facebook group and to all the lessons in all the languages. There aren’t too many German lessons yet (only for ages 0 – 4) but they are hoping to add more in time.

To find out more about this fantastic deal, go to their BilinguaSing Online Virtual Course page

But don’t take my word for it, here are two videos I found:

And here is their Spotify list with some of the songs from their MP3s:

What do you think? Are you as excited as I am about BilinguaSing?

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