Practise your German with free PDFs

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Regular readers know that I like to find free resources and today I am going to tell you about some great free resources and some you would need to pay for.

But first the free PDFs. My friend Erik of Scriveremo Publishing has  free German word lists that you can download. There are 14 topics which can be downloaded individually or as one document.

The topics are:

  1. Around the House
  2. Numbers, Seasons, Days, Months
  3. Animals, Birds
  4. Restaurant, Beverages
  5. Food, Meat, Seafood
  6. Fruit, Vegetables
  7. Parts of the Body
  8. Family, Shopping
  9. Clothing, Colours
  10. Bank
  11. Airport
  12. Places, Sightseeing
  13. Hotel, Postal
  14. Zoo, Pharmacy

To give you an idea, here is a screenshot of one of them:

But what can you do with these lists?

  • Well, you could just print them out and file them away.  But I wouldn’t recommend that ☺
  • You can learn and reinforce them by buying one (or more) of Erik’s puzzle books.  All his word searches and puzzles are based on the vocabulary from the lists – a great way to keep on using those words!
  • You can get a notebook or make your own and copy the words out (or use just any paper). But don’t just copy the individual words, turn them into sentences. The more you use new words in sentences the more you will remember them.
  • If you can’t be bothered to make your own notebook, I made one for you ☺ The following video shows you how to use it:

Whatever you do do with those lists, don’t just download them and then forget about them. Use them!

Red German Vocabulary Notebook: A vocabulary book for German learners with space for 25 topics

Orange German Vocabulary Notebook: A vocabulary book for German learners with space for 25 topics

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