Practise your German with an online picture dictionary

Practise your German with an online picture dictionary


Do you like dictionaries? Most people don’t. They are boring to read, but, of course, useful, when you need to look for a word.

Have you ever had the urge to read a dictionary? Even, if your answer usually is ‘no’, you may like to look at this one, an online Bildwörterbuch, a picture dictionary.

It’s a brilliant site, if you either just want to have a browse and look at pictures while learning some new German words, or if you are interested in a particular topic and want to learn new vocab about it.

The Bildwörterbuch  consists of 17 topics, 6000 colour pictures and over 20.000 definitions.

For example, if you are interested in astronomy (and are learning German), you could look at

Planeten und Monde

Click on my screenshot and you’ll be taken to the original page, where you can find ll the vocabulary in German and English, and you can listen to the pronunciation.

Maybe you are interested in herbs?


Or maybe you’d like to know what the names of German offices are?



These are just three examples. There are loads more. Have a look at the topics, find one that interests you and have fun learning what some of these things you like are called in German!

Here is the link again:  Spend some time there and then come back and tell me what you think/ which one is your favourite.

PS They have a games’ page as well, where you can practise some of the now found words:



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