Do you like making lists? Do you constantly scribble ‘to do’ items on pieces of papers? Have you thought about using lists to practise a little German at the same time?
For example, you could write your next Einkaufsliste (shopping list) in German? Or next time, when you are writing your to-do list, write it in German. Even writing only some of the words is still practice.
What do you need to buy? Brot, Milch, Käse?
What do you need to do today? Einkaufen, putzen, kochen, Deutsch lernen?
So, get a piece of paper and start writing! You don’t have to write sentences, just a list of (useful) words, and it’s an easy way to incorporate a little German into your daily routine.
Of course, if you want things to look pretty, you can also download prepared lists. I have found a wonderful German website called Xobbu where you can download to-do lists. The owner, Nadine has a page with beautiful German shopping lists for you to download. The following two screenshots give you an idea about what you can download when you click on her download links:
She also has a page with German to-do lists, like this one:
For those who like to play games, she also has a page with instructions and downloadable sheets for playing Stadt, Land, Fluss and Kniffel.
She even has downloads for cleaning plans ☺
So, if you like pretty lists and want to use your German, have a look around and search for your ideal list – that way you will have practised some German reading, too ☺
Which list will you print out?
What's on your to-do list? Mine says 'practise German' 🙂 Share on X
Do you need help reaching your goal of German fluency? I can help you. Message me

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