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Welcome to my next blog post based on our ‘Ask Angelika’ shows with practical or useful sentences you might hear or use yourself in certain scenarios.
Today we’re talking about Easter.
I have written blog posts about Easter before, see Frohe Ostern – Happy Easter, German videos for Easter, How to make a traditional German Easter tree and 10 easy steps to decorate your own Easter eggs.
But this time I looked into why we have decorated Easter eggs.
Der Osterhase/ die Osterglocke/ das Osterei
The Easter bunny/ daffodil/ easter egg
Ostern ist jedes Jahr an einem anderen Datum.
Easter is on a different date every year.
Bunte Eier zeigen, dass die Fastenzeit vorbei ist.
Colourful eggs show that Lent is over.
Während der Fastenzeit haben die Menschen früher auf viele Lebensmittel verzichtet.
During Lent, people used to give up a lot of food.
Darunter auch auf Eier.
including eggs.
Aber natürlich haben die Hühner weiterhin Eier gelegt.
But of course the hens continued to lay eggs.
Diese wurden aufgehoben.
These were kept.
Damit man wusste, wie alt welches Ei schon war, wurden sie in verschiedenen Farben eingefärbt.
In order to know how old each egg was, they were dyed in different colours.
Frohe Ostern!
Happy Easter!

Here’s the video where Steven gets to practise saying and translating the sentences:
What can you do with these sentences to remember them?
You can bookmark this post or make a vocabulary list with them. You can do that with any paper or electronic notebook. Or you could buy my notebook which I designed specially for German vocab learners. It has space for vocabulary lists and sentences. You can even choose one of two colours ☺

If you’re looking for more Easter sentences, especially for young learners, check out my printable Easter Colouring for Young German Learners.

And/ or have a look at my free five Easter fun activities