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Welcome to my next blog post based on our ‘Ask Angelika’ shows with practical or useful sentences or phrases you might hear or use yourself in certain scenarios.
Today we’re talking about carnival in Germany.
Die fünfte Jahreszeit
The fifth season (carnival season). You can read more in this blog post Carnival – the Fifth Season in Germany
Die verrückten Tage
the crazy days
Fastnacht/ Fasching/ Karneval
Women’s Carnival Day. You can read more in this blog post Weiberfastnacht – Women’s Carnival
Rose Monday, two days before Ash Wednesday, when Lent begins.
Faschingsdienstag/ Fastnacht
Carnival Tuesday, the last day of being crazy and silly as the next day is Ash Wednesday.
Der Karnevalsumzug
carnival parade. You can read more in this blog post Carnival in Germany
Das Kostüm
der Karnevalsverein
carnival association/ club
die Karnevalshochburg
carnival stronghold
Der Jeck
carnival reveller/active participants
Luftschlangen und Konfetti
Streamers and confetti

carnival cheer in carnival strongholds, like Mainz
carnival cheer in Cologne

Here’s the video where Steven gets to practise saying and translating the sentences:
What can you do with these phrases to remember them?
You can bookmark this post or make a vocabulary list with them. You can do that with any paper or electronic notebook. Or you could buy my notebook which I designed specially for German vocab learners. It has space for vocabulary lists and sentences. You can even choose one of two colours ☺