Last year, when we were in Germany during those really hot days in July (over 40°C), we went for a walk in a forest because it was pleasantly cool.
As we came out of the forest we came across an outdoor gym. We would have loved to try them out, but as it was midday and extremely hot we didn’t think it would have been a good idea.
“Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.” Nope, we weren’t that mad! Instead I took some photos thinking that I might be able to use them for a blog post one day.
So this might be a bit of a useless post. If you know how to use any of those items you can use them anyway; and if you don’t know what they do, knowing the German name isn’t much help either.
BUT, there might be somebody reading this who always wanted to know what all these things are called in German. this post is for you ☺

Okay, lets look at them in a little more detail.

This is the “Schulter-Nacken Trainer”. You put your hands on those plates and turn them to exercise your shoulders and neck.

This is the “Bauch-Rücken Station”, which helps your back (Rücken) and your stomach (Bauch).

The “Kraftstation” is the one that works on your back, arm and shoulder, neck muscles (Rücken-, Arm- und Schulter- Nackenmuskulatur) and your spine, arm and shoulder joints (Wirbelsäule, Arm- und Schultergelenke).
‘Kraftstation’ means power station. I leave it to you to work out if this equipment gives you power or drains it.

This “Bein-Hüft Trainer” works on your legs (Beine) and hip (Hüfte).

And finally the “Nordic Walker” – no translation needed.

If you come across any of these machines, you can either use them straight away or read the instructions to improve your German: win-win!
WOW! That is really cool. It promotes fitness. It also tell citizens we care about you.
They’re brilliant, aren’t they? One day I will have a go on them!