Our first German Skittles Evening

Our first German Skittles Evening

On Wednesday, the 19th March 2014, 12 students and friends of  Angelika’s German Tuition & Translation enjoyed the first German skittle evening in aid of charity.

Apart from learning a bit about the German names of the pins and counting our scores in German we had great fun and managed to raise £73.73 in aid of Let Them Help Themselves Out Of Poverty.

We even had a certificate for the person with the highest score, the KEGELKÖNIG and for the most zeros, the PUDELKÖNIG (or in our case, die Pudelkönigin)   🙂

Thank you to everybody involved, you have been great! Danke!

Unfortunately a lot of my pictures didn’t turn out, but I managed to salvage a few …

Check out our Charity Events page for further events!

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