I’ve been using Linguee for quite a few years now and also have been recommending it to my students as I find it a great online dictionary for my computer and smartphone. So I was very excited when I received the following press release from them:
Linguee.com: The World’s Fastest Dictionary
Linguee.com: The World’s Largest Dictionary is Now the Fastest
Cologne, Germany, February 9, 2015: The world’s largest multilingual online dictionary Linguee.com launches a completely redesigned version on Monday, February 9, 2015. The new release debuts the new streamlined website featuring a more responsive interface that helps users to find their translations faster than ever before. Linguee has created groundbreaking autocompletion and autocorrection technology, capable of showing dictionary results without the user having to type a full word.
“Our goal is to tear down the language barrier for all people around the world. 500 million people have used Linguee so far*. Projecting our current traction, Linguee will be the number one dictionary service worldwide in a year,” says Gereon Frahling, Linguee founder and CEO.
The new Linguee.com also offers significant improvements in content and design. The company has made huge investments in order to combine the latest technologies with the knowledge of highly qualified language professionals – including collaboration with more than 400 professional translators, lexicographers and linguists. Another huge plus, particularly for those completely new to a foreign language, is Linguee’s audio feature which provides users with the pronunciation of hundreds of thousands of words.
Linguee’s current launch also sees the release of a much more responsive and dynamic mobile version. For those on the go who need to quickly find a translation, Linguee corrects spelling mistakes, guesses autocompletions and shows translations; even after typing just the first few letters. Linguee.com is now just a click, swipe, or tap away.
Linguee’s search engine offers access to more than one billion translated texts, and has answered more than 4 billion queries so far, helping 25 million different people in November 2014 alone*. In comparison, the Silicon Valley language startup Duolingo currently reports 20 million active users**.
The world’s biggest and fastest multilingual dictionary is available for free at Linguee.com .
* Google Analytics Measurement, backed by independent measurement of the German Audit Bureau of Circulations (“Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbeträgern IVW”): ausweisung.ivw-online.de/index.php?i=10&mz_szm=201411&sort=vgd
** Forbes: www.forbes.com/sites/jordanshapiro/2015/01/08/duolingo-for-schools-may-change-the-edtech-market
About Linguee Linguee.com is a multilingual online dictionary and search engine for translations, available in more than 200 language combinations. The dictionary has been created by more than 400 language professionals and is constantly updated. The search engine provides access to over 1 billion texts, translated by humans all around the world. Linguee was founded in December 2008 by former Google research postdoc Gereon Frahling and Leonard Fink. Among the investors are Jörg Rheinboldt, co-founder of Alando, and Swiss b-to-v AG. Since 2013, the company has been generating positive cash flow.
Press Contact:
Linguee GmbH
Stefanie Green
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 36
50668 Cologne
+49 221-16933668
Follow us on Twitter: @Linguee and visit us on Facebook: Linguee
I went straight to the website and have to say I like the new Linguee. If you have used Linguee before, then I’m sure you will like it as much as I do. If you haven’t yet, go and try it out!
Some of the new features:
I’ve received a message from Linguee saying that I have sent too many requests (Italian to English) causing Linguee to block my computer. The suggested solution is to enable Javascript in my browser settings but it is already enabled. How do I regain access to Linguee please?
Thanks for your help.
How strange!
I use Linguee almost every day and have never heard of such a thing. Can you still use it on your phone? Or have you tried using it with a different browser (instead of Chrome, try it with Firefox or Internet Explorer).
I’m afraid I can’t really help here, sorry.