If you are a regular reader of my blog you know that I often write about free online resources. Today’s post is slightly different, although the resources might still be free. The idea for this post came in preparation for my video show Ask Angelika episode 23, because we are having our annual board game evening this month.
Board games are such a wonderful way of practising a language. You can play very easy games, like Ludo, where you only need to count to 6, or difficult games like Scrabble.
The phrases we mentioned in the video are
- Mensch ärgere dich nicht – Ludo
- Leiterspiel – Snakes & Ladders
- Wer is es? – Guess who?
- Scrabble – Scrabble
- Spielregeln – rules of the game
- Ich bin dran – It’s my turn
- Du bist dran – It’s your turn
- der Würfel – dice
- würfeln – throw dice
- Ich kann nicht – I can’t (go)
- 2 Felder vor – 2 squres forward
- 3 Felder zurück – 3 squares back
- eine Runde aussetzen – miss a turn
- zurück zum Start – back to the beginning
- Kartenspiel – card game
- die vier Farben – the four suits Farbe
- bekennen – put one’s cards on the table
- Kreuz – clubs
- Pik – spades
- Herz – heart
- Karo – diamonds
- Bube – Jack
- Dame – Queen
- König – King
- Ass – Ace
Enjoy our ‘Ask Angelika’ video and some German instructions I found for Ludo, Guess who? and Scrabble☺