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Let’s learn some German vocabulary based on a topic. And this month’s topic is making the bed.
You’ll get the vocab plus three different ways to practise/ remember the words: with an infographic, slides and a video.
The words
- das Bett – bed
- die Betten – beds
- die Matratze – matress
- die Matratzen – matresses
- das Bettlaken – sheet
- die Bettlaken – sheets
- das Spannbettlaken – fitted sheet
- die Spannbettlaken – fitted sheets
- das Kopfkisssen – pillow
- die Kopfkissen – pillows
- der Kopfkissenbezug – pillow case
- die Kopfkissenbezüge – pillow cases
- die Bettdecke – duvet
- die Bettdecken – duvets
- der Bettbezug – duvet cover
- die Bettbezüge – duvet covers
- das gemachte Bett – the made bed
- das Nachthemd – nightshirt
- die Nachthemden – nightshirts
- der Schlafanzug – pyjama
- die Schlafanzüge – pyjamas
- der Teddybär -teddy bear ☺

There you are, you’ll never know when you might need any of these words. Maybe one day, when we can travel again, you might have to ask for a second pillow, who knows …
How can you learn these words?
You can make a vocabulary list with them but even better is to turn them into sentences. You can do that with any paper or electronic notebook. Or you could buy my notebook which I designed specially for German vocab learners. You can even choose one of two colours ☺

Do you need help reaching your goal of German fluency? I can help you. Message me
Danke fur die Worten
Gern geschehen!