I have just read about a new Android app (edit: iPhone app now also available) for practising German vocabulary and have tried it out. It’s called ‘learn German 6000 words’ and it’s a nice easy way to improve your vocabulary.
There are three levels: the beginner’s level covers 1000 words, the intermediate’s 3000 and the advanced level 6000 words.
There are no sentences to learn, so this really is only a vocabulary trainer, but there are lots of topics.
You chose your topic and then a sub topic and press PLAY. There are several choices for practicing, involving reading, writing, listening and matching up words. You get flowers for correct answers and once you’ve earned enough flowers you can move from the beginner’s level to the intermediate level (or you can ‘like’ their Facebook page which unlocks the intermediate level).
It’s a lovely way to practices some German words, especially if you only want to spend a few minutes every day – I like it!
You can get it from the Google Play Store or just type in ‘learn German’ in Google Playstore on your phone.
Check out the video to see what a beginner could expect and if you download it, let me know what you think about it.
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