A few years ago I wrote about St Martin and the German tradition of going round with lanterns singing St Martin songs: Ich geh’ mit meiner Laterne
Today, again on the 11th November, I’d like to continue with lanterns.
First a little vocab, some words you don’t see often in your textbooks
- die Laterne – lantern
- die Laternen – lanterns
The following nouns all begin with ‘Laterne(n)’, but as the gender of compound nouns depends on the final part, the articles aren’t the same.
- der Laternenanzünder – lamplighter
- der Laternenumzug – lantern procession/ parade
- der Laternenschein – shine of lanterns
- der Laternenpfahl – lamp post
- das Laternelaufen – walking with lanterns
- das Laternenfest – lantern festival
- das Laternelied – lantern song
- das Laternenlicht – lantern light
These nouns end in ‘Laterne’, so the nouns are alwars feminine.
- die Straßenlaterne – street light
- die Gaslaterne – gas lamp
- die Sturmlaterne – hurricane/ storm lamp
The lantern in my picture above is one that I once bought in Germany. Around this time you can get them in many shops. If you’d like one, too, but can’t get to Germany to buy one, why don’t you make your own?
Here are some videos to help you (in German, of course, for some extra practice)
I also found this sweet Playmobil video, enjoy!