Don’t you just love YouTube? You can spend hours researching certain topics and you can spend even more hours procrastinating!
And every so often you come across a little gem and you have to write a blog post about it. Well, I do, anyway ☺
While doing some procrastinating I mean researching, I came across some childhood films from the “Augsburger Puppenkiste”, a wonderful marionette theatre from Augsburg in Germany.
If you are interested in the history of the theatre, you can read a bit in English about it on Wikipedia, or you can practise your German reading skills by checking out the website of the Augsburger Puppenkiste (and maybe visit the museum one day).
But more importantly, you can practise your German listening skills by watching some of their wonderful stories on Youtube. To save you from searching for the videos I have made a playlist.
But to get you interested, have a peek at the first part of Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer
So indulge in some old-fashioned wonderful marionette theatre and improve your German at the same time!
If you don’t get a new blog post from me next week, you’ll know I’m still busy watching stories from the Augsburger Puppenkiste ☺
EDIT 2017: Sadly, a lot of the videos have been deleted from YouTube. I found others which I have added to my playlist, but I can’t guarantee that they will stay.
EDIT 2022: I just found a playlist, which looks like an official playlist, with a lot of videos, have a look: Augsburger Puppenkiste
Do you need help reaching your goal of German fluency? I can help you. Message me