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I know we’re only in November but soon it’s time to get all your baking equipment out and do some Christmas baking. So, here are some videos and website suggestions for you if you fancy some German Christmas biscuits, some Weihnachtsplätzchen.
The next few videos are in English, but will also teach you some German baking vocabulary.
The next two videos are completely in German. Both mention the words ‘schnell und einfach’, quick and easy, perfect!
If you’d rather read German Christmas bisuits recipes, have a look at:
Or if you want to buy a lovely book, have a look at Advent: Festive German Bakes to Celebrate the Coming of Christmas
Here’s another book worth getting. It’s in English with both metric and US imperial measurements and also has lots of Christmas baking: Baking Just Like Oma: Traditional German Recipes for the Home Baker

I’m rubbish at baking but the videos make it look so easy, I might have a go.
Especially as I actually have a gadget for it. I dug it out of my cupboard – not used in the last 30 years …

Want one too? Have a look at this one: Biscuit Making and Icing Set for Cake Decorations
And if you like all those recipes and want to keep them in your own planner with the option to add German-English vocabulary you might even like my Recipe Journal For German Learners: Blank recipe book for 50 German recipes with space for vocab or whole sentence translations

Or, if you prefer something digital instead of pen and paper, you can buy my Trello board

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