Quora is a great site for German learners. If you’re not familiar with it, let me briefly explain.
Quora is a site where anybody can ask and answer questions about (almost) any topic. All questions and answers are organised and checked by the community. You need to register but it is very straight forward. Have a look at my video about Quora or carry on reading below.
To recap, for anybody interested in Germany or learning German, then following topics could be useful:
- learning German
- German (language)
- Germany
- Jobs and Careers in Germany
- and many more
One of the requirements on Quora is that everything is asked and answered in English. So, if you are looking for a grammar explanation you can ask in English and people will explain in English. Usually, questions are answered by several people. So, if one answer doesn’t help, another one might.
Of course, Quora has lots of other topics worth following, whatever your interests are, you will find questions and answers about it.
There is now also a German Quora. You need to register again, but once it’s done you have both together. It is still very small but as this time all questions and answers have to be in German, it can be an interesting reading tool for you. Then, when you feel brave enough, join in the conversations or post your own question.
For those whose German isn’t quite so good yet, you’ll be pleased to know that everything looks identical on both sites, except one is in German, the other one in English:
What do you think? Tempted? Go on …..
EDIT 2020: Quora now also has ‘Spaces'(groups), some of which are monetised. I have a space there, the German Learners’ Lounge
Any money we make goes to my chosen charity.