How to take a virtual trip around Berlin

Today’s blog post is very short as you won’t want to stay here long (I allow it for once ☺)

Today’s blog post is for those who’d love to go to Germany but can’t.

Let me tell you about Virtual Vacation. This website has virtual walking, driving and flying tours for lots of cities, including one German city, Berlin.

Virtual Walking Tour

This link takes you to the Virtual Walking Tour page, where all you need to do is click on Berlin’s ‘Begin Walking’ (unless you want to walk in a different city) … and enjoy the walk through Berlin.

Virtual Driving Tour

This link takes you to the driving page, where again you can choose Berlin, click on Go Drive’ and enjoy.

Virtual Airplane Flyover

This link takes you to the flying page, where you can choose Berlin, click ‘Go Fly’ and enjoy Berlin from above.

Virtual Monument Tour

You can also go to the Virtual Monument Page, find the Brandeburg Gate, click on ‘View Location’ and enjoy walking under it.

The website also has a live camera, but currently sadly not in Berlin.

Go and explore the sounds and scenery of Berlin, and if you have a moment, come back and tell me what you think.

Drive and Listen

Sadly, ‘Drive and Listen’ seems to have disappeared ☹️

Alternatively, there is another similar website Drive and Listen

Once you’ve clicked on the link Drive and Listen, you can choose a city from the dropdown menu on the right. Currently there are 3 German cities: Berlin, Hamburg and Munich. This time you can imagine driving through these cities and if you wish listen to local radio as well.

What do you think? Aren’t those some great ideas for those times when you want to procrastinate and pretend you’re in Germany. I can tell you one thing: this blog post has taken ages to write ☺

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