How to attend a German church service without leaving home

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to attend a German church service?

I found a website where you can do just that, without having to leave your house. The service is not from the church in the picture, that is the St. Steven’s Cathedral in Passau, but from a small church in  Judenburg, Austria, the Evangelische Pfarrgemeinde Judenburg

They have started to record some of their services and uploaded them 

Here is one of them:

Edit 2017
I found more sites! The ZDF TV channel shows church services from various churches in Germany: (ZDF isn’t available in the UK anymore, but maybe in your country.
And  does live streams of church services on Sundays 10.30 am German time.

Have a lovely Sunday!

3 thoughts on “How to attend a German church service without leaving home”

  1. I just love how the Internet has made it much easier for people to be able to do things to strengthen one’s own faith or learn more about the faith of others.


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