I always find it interesting to hear what inspires students to learn German. This weeks blog post is from a student, who wishes to remain anonymous, but has complained to me that whenever there is a blog post about the ‘Top 10 German singers’, the sites never mention Sandra. As I only remember Sandra as the singer from Enigma, you have a guest post today from a huge Sandra fan. Over to you:
“I discovered German pop star Sandra by accident when I heard her voice on a televised Russian concert. The moment I heard her voice I stopped everything I was doing. I didn’t know who she was, what she looked like, nothing, I just heard that amazing voice. After I found out that she was German I liked her even more because I have always loved the German language. I think it’s an amazing language and sounds so nice in the spoken word. I was familiar with Marlene Dietrich and respected her greatly, but Sandra’s voice was so beautiful, it was unique, and when she sings or speaks there is that wonderful German accent. I started studying German about ten years ago. I do not feel that I am fluent in German, there are so many details and incidentals to any language, but I feel that when I am studying German it is like going home. My great grandfather was from Germany. I never knew him but I would love to have met him. Though most of Sandra’s work is in English she does have a couple of songs in German that I just love, Japan Ist Weit and Sekunden. As my understanding of German has improved I am able to listen to those songs more freely in that I can understand the words intuitively rather than having to refer to a translation all the time. When I hear Sandra sing my heart hurts and I feel so warm and nice. I hope that she never stops singing.”
Thank you, SandraFan. I enjoyed hearing what inspires you to learn German. If anybody would like to find out more about Sandra, check out Wikipedia or read it in German.
And here are the two songs mentioned above:
Which German singer or band inspires you to learn German?
Very good tips and information of german singers and german language. THANKS
Thanks for stopping by, Vijay!
Yes, listening to German songs and. or singing in German is a great way to learn the language.