Adolf Dassler was born on the 3rd November 1900 and was a German businessman. He trained as a cobbler and later went into business with his brother. That didn’t quite work out, they separated and Adolf founded his own business. He died on the 6th September 1975.
His business is still very well known.
Oh, but I didn’t say what it is?
I give you a hint. Adolf’s nickname was Adi, so his name was Adi Dassler 😉
Well I never! I never knew that – Adi Das
I bet most people think it’s an American company. Oh, and I also didn’t mention that his brother founded PUMA when they separated!
Adidas! 😀
Yes! Thanks for stopping by, Sarvin!
Very cool. Had no idea. Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome, and thanks for stopping by, Nate!
I didn’t know that either. Thank you
I must admit, I had heard it before but forgotten again. There are quite a few brand names that are German – probably worth a few blog posts 🙂
Wow! Never knew that. Used to love Adidas bath products…
Wow,and I didn’t know Adidas did bath products (just checked it out)!