Theodor Storm (full name Hans Theodor Wolsen Storm was born on 14 September 1817 in Husum, Germany, close to the Danish border. He died on 4 July 1888.
He studied law but then became one of the most important authors of 19th-century German Literary realism.
At school in Germany we had to read some of his books. I remember reading ‘Der Schimmelreiter’ (‘The Rider on the White Horse’ in English) and ‘Pole Poppenspäler’ (‘Paul the Puppeteer’ in English). I even found one of my old school books in a cupboard!

It made me search online and there are quite a few websites with things for you to read.
- Information on Wikipedia about Theodor Storm in English
- And in German
- The Storm museum which you can also tour online (but everything is in German)
- Project Gutenberg has a variety of his books for you to read online, download or even listen to audiobooks
- Die Deutsche Gedichtebibliothek has a huge list of his poems, which you can all read online.
- Below are three of his poems, one as a song, that I found on YouTube, and the other two I found in the Gedichtebibliothek and added images. I hope you like them.

Once you’ve had a read of some of his poems, please come back here and tell me which one you liked best.