German recipe: kalte Hundeschnauze

German recipe: kalte Hundeschnauze

Yesterday, while listening to the radio, I heard about a recipe for a refrigerator cake. It reminded me about a German recipe called “Kalte Hundeschnauze”.
This is what you need:

  • 300g coconut fat
  • 125g icing sugar
  • 50g cocoa
  • 3 eggs
  • a little bit of rum
  • 2 packets of biscuits, ideally the butter biscuits from Bahlsen Leibniz

Melt the coconut fat (‘Palmin’ in German) in a saucepan and leave to cool a bit. Mix it with the icing sugar (‘Puderzucker’), cocoa (‘Kakaopulver’), eggs (‘Eier’) and rum (‘Rum’). Take a lined cake tin (‘Kuchenform’) and layer the cream mixture with the biscuits, finishing with the cream. Put it in the fridge (‘Kühlschrank’) and leave there for at least 2hrs (‘Zwei Stunden’)


And enjoy!

Kalte Hundeschnauze, by the way, means cold dog snout 😉

Have you ever baked a German cake?

If you like baking and would like to bake more German recipes, search for the online and then keep them in a receipe collection. Or check out my Recipe Journal For German Learners: Blank recipe book for 50 German recipes with space for vocab or whole sentence translations

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