Following on from last month’s blog post about German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter B, here are those with the letter C:
der Casus Knacksus
the crunch/decisive factor
Einen Gang nach Canossa machen
To eat humble pie
Die Chemie stimmt!
The chemistry is right!
Nicht alle auf dem Christbaum haben
Be out of your mind

Now it’s your turn to try this tongue twister. How fast can you say it?
Chinesisches Schüsselchen, chinesisches Schüsselchen, chinesisches Schüsselchen.

If you wish, you can watch the video and see how Steven copes with pronouncing the idioms and working out what they mean.
Or you can listen to it on Spotify
Alternatively, you can think of ways to use these idioms in your German speaking or writing.
Do you know any German idioms with the letter C that I could have added to this list? And which idiom is your favourite?

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