German for knitting lovers

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How do you practise your German when you’re no longer a beginner?

One way is to incorporate the new language into daily tasks. And even better, combine your love of German learning with your hobby!

I have already written posts for those who like trains, cycling, sewing, playing the guitar, chess or tennis, or want to keep fit. You’ll find them all in the category German for …

So, following on from my post for those who love sewing, today’s post is for those who love knitting!

Not only will you learn vocabulary that’s important to you (rather than learning the stuff from textbooks), you will improve your German reading skills (when you read newsletters, articles in magazines or on websites, and patterns), your listening skills (when you watch a YouTube video) and your writing skills (when you make notes about a pattern).

And you will do all that with websites or videos about knitting! Win – win!

To start you off I have done some research and found some interesting websites for you to check out.

We are also have knitting instructions but as videos. You can find them all on their website or subscribe to their YouTube channel. Here is one of their videos:

Drops Design sell wool, but also have free patterns (look for ‘Kostenlose Anleitungen’). They also have video instructions on their site or YouTube channel. Here is one about knitting make up pads

Another YouTube channel, called Maschenanschlag has lovely knitting instructions. The following shows you how to knit a washing up sponge. I don’t knit, but I watched fascinated how she did it.

Can you see your knitting helping your German? I hope so!

You could even, if you wish, make notes in my new planner: Knitting Project Planner for German Learners

Pin it now, read it later!

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