Did you hear about the Englishman and his French dog? Apparently, the dog will only react to French commands spoken with a French accent, so his owner had to learn French.
So, just in case you ever get a German dog who doesn’t know his woof woofs from his wau waus, here is a list of dog commands:
- Komm! – Come!
- Braver Hund! – Good dog!
- Sitz! – Sit!
- Platz! – Down!
- Fuß! – Heel!
- Bring! – Fetch!
- Nein! – No!
- Böser Hund! – bad dog!
- Gib Pfötchen! – Give paw!
There you are, now learn your new German phrases.
So ist brav! Well done!
EDIT 2021: You can now get my Dog Journal for German Learners: An 8.5 by 11 inches journal for those who love dogs as well as learning German

Or, if you prefer something digital instead of pen and paper, You can buy my Trello board

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