German dialects – Bayerisch

German dialects - Bayerisch

Today’s post is the third and last one about Upper German and we will learn how to speak Bavarian ☺ No, that would be an impossible task, but if you have never heard people speak Bavarian or would like to know more about Bayerisch, or Bayrisch, as it’s also often spelled, then stay here and watch some of the videos I found for you.

I also found a German – Bavarian translating app, where I typed in a thank you to you all for reading all my German dialect posts. This is what it says:

“Vuin Dank, dass ihr meine Artikl üba de deitschn Dialekte gelesn hobt.”

Want to try it out yourself? Go to Bayerisch/ Deutsch Übersetzer and type in a German sentence.

I typed one more and got: “I mog eich olle “

Yes, it means I like you all!

Found on Facebook!

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