“Günter Wilhelm Grass (16 October 1927 – 13 April 2015) was a German novelist, poet, playwright, illustrator, graphic artist, sculptor, and recipient of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Literature.” Quoted from Wikipedia or, if you’d like, you can read more about him on the German Wikipedia page.
You have probably heard of his most famous book, which was also turned into a film: Die Blechtrommel (The tin drum). Here is the German trailer:
If you don’t know the story, you can read a summary in German here:
“Die Blechtrommel” – Zusammenfassung vom Inhalt
But if that text was too hard, here is an explanation of the film in English:
If you are an advancedGerman learner, try and read this text Günter Grass
Intermediate German learners might like this short article which was written for German children when he died Der Schriftsteller Günter Grass ist gestorben
If you’re ever visiting Lübeck, you might want to make time to visit the Günter Grass Haus And if not, the museum has a brilliant website, which is well worth exploring.
I’ll leave you with a Grass quote that I quite like:
Ich bin ein lebenslustiger Pessimist.
I am a fun-loving pessimist.

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