A while ago I wrote a blog post about using crib sheets When is cheating not cheating? – not the ones you would use in an exam, but sheets with useful information for German learners.
I thought about it recently when some students of mine were doing some exercises about prepositions and also about adjective endings in all the cases. What made it more complicated, sometimes they needed the definite articles, sometimes the indefinite articles and other times no articles. Work we had previously done in a book had nice tables for each of those. We would have liked to see them all in one place.
So, this blog post will have just that – an infographic with all the cases, adjective endings and articles on one sheet.
I don’t believe in students learning these grids by heart. I want students to be able to make their own sentences, and if that means having a peek at an information sheet, do it!
Go ahead, use it and if you found it useful, tell me if there are other infographics you’d like me to attempt.
But first, here are the three tables on their own:
masculine | feminie | neuter | plural | |
nom. | der nette Mann | die nette Frau | das nette Kind | die netten Kinder |
acc. | den netten Mann | die nette Frau | das nette Kind | die netten Kinder |
dat. | dem netten Mann | der netten Frau | dem netten Kind | den netten Kindern |
gen. | des netten Mannes | der netten Frau | des netten Kindes | der netten Kinder |
masculine | feminine | neuter | plural | |
nom. | ein netter Mann | eine nette Frau | ein nettes Kind | meine netten Kinder |
acc. | einen netten Mann | eine nette Frau | ein nettes Kind | meine netten Kinder |
dat. | einem netten Mann | einer netten Frau | einem netten Kind | meinen netten Kindern |
gen. | eines netten Mannes | einer netten Frau | eines netten Kindes | meiner netten Kinder |
masculine | feminine | neuter | plural | |
nom. | deutscher Wein | deutsche Bratwurst | deutsches Bier | deutsche Süßigkeiten |
acc. | deutschen Wein | deutsche Bratwurst | deutsches Bier | deutsche Süßigkeiten |
dat. | deutschem Wein | deutscher Bratwurst | deutschem Bier | deutschen Süßigkeiten |
gen. | deutschen Weines | deutscher Bratwurst | deutschen Bieres | deutschen Süßigkeiten |
And now a little prettier ☺

You can also download it as a PDF from here
And don’t forget, adjectives AFTER a noun don’t change and don’t have any extra endings!
PS. If you need more help with the four cases in German, check out my online course: German grammar – the four cases. It might just be what you need, so go on, have a look (and grab an extra 10% off with the code BLOGPOST)

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