Deutsch am Donnerstag – Wiltshire von A bis Z

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Wiltshire von A bis Z

I hope you enjoyed the last 10 weeks of Deutsch am Donnerstag. My book Wiltshire von A bis Z has a lot more chapters than I used here but they were not really suitable for reading comprehension exercises. They do, however,  have lots of photos and also links to websites, so if you’d like to improve your German and find out a little bit more about wonderful Wiltshire, I’d be delighted if you’d buy my kindle book!

Deutsch am Donnerstag is taking a break now as I would like to use my time to continue with planning online courses and writing more books. I will, of course, still write one blog post a week, usually Mondays. So, please look out for them.

But before Deutsch am Donnerstag stops, here are last weeks answers about the White Horses:

  1. Eight
  2. The Westbury White Horse
  3. The Devizes White Horse
  4. You cannot drive up to the horse, you will have to walk.
  5. Originally there were 13 white horses.

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